Make a Spring Herb Garden with Horticulturist Shawna Anderson

Make a Spring Herb Garden with Horticulturist Shawna Anderson


Wednesday, April 19th, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Welcome Spring by making a beautiful herb garden perfect for your kitchen window, patio, or garden, to be enjoyed all year long. Horticulturist Shawna Anderson of Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers will walk us through herb garden design, set up and care.

Shawna Anderson is a Certified Horticulturist, Advanced California Certified Nursery Professional for Orchard Nursery of Lafayette, UC Master Gardener, Garden Speaker and owner of Thrillers, Fillers & Spillers, a garden consulting business specializing in container gardens, growing organic vegetables, herbs, drought tolerant gardens, perennials and pruning fruit trees and roses.

Her passion for gardening began when she was growing up in Kenwood, California where she helped her father with his one-acre vegetable garden and her mother with her beautiful flower beds. After high school graduation she moved to San Francisco where she spent many years doing clerical work. At the age of 40 she decided to change careers and do what she loves…getting her hands dirty!

$40/person, all materials included

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